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Robin Hood Religion
Sheri Hauser
In times of old the outcasts gathered in caves and formed a powerful band. It is time for the outcasted true believers to join together to form the real church. I call it Robin Hood Religion. Our children remain on drugs, our families fractured and the hole in our soul only moans to be fed.
Clapboard religion seeks to convince its followers they are poor so it can meet their needs. It's like war rations. If you convince them there is nothing else to eat, then they will learn to feed off what you give them. But it's clapboard: like eating cardboard, it doesn't satisfy the true desires. It's palliative and temporary honoring a structure that doesn't last.
Sheri Hauser
A simple, straightforward workbook manual on interpreting your own dreams according to Scriptures. It gives several dreams, shows errors in interpretation and insight into how to avoid common misconceptions. It is a light-hearted book intended for those who are not familiar with the Bible but still want to know if God is talking to them in their dreams.
Tactical Demonic Warfare
Sheri Hauser
Do you feel like the devil is winning? We can’t fight what we don’t see, but if we can figure out how to see into the spiritual realm, we can, not only fight, but win. The author opens a new idea of pulling heaven down to earth. She did it and won. The final chapter provides an outline to release one caught up in the snare of drugs.
Prophetic Wave Series .
Filled with the Holy Spirit
Sheri Hauser
The power and fire of the Holy Spirit is the first step toward moving in the gifts of the receiving from God and giving to others. When we become filled with the Holy Ghost, we are baptized in the aerated water and able to take after our Father, God.
Prophetic Wave Series. Kindle E Book
And Afterwards I will Pour out My Spirit
Sheri Hauser
Welcome to the latter days with an open window to understand mysteries and revelation with dreams, visions, and prophecy. The book is written from interpreted dreams. Chapters include Open Door, God’s Heart Desire, Filling the Need, The Holy Spirit, Prophecy, Prophecy Shared, and Prophetic Prayer. Prophetic Wave Series.
Kindle E Book
Growing Ministry to Seed instead of Fruit
Sheri Hauser
God is not interested in power-monger preachers who lead congregations to clone after their own kind to build bigger Churches. We need a Church outside of the building. The power of God needs to be released for signs and wonders. We should share seeds so others grow their ministry rather than fruits.
Prophetic Wave Series
Kindle E Book
Preparing the Bride of Christ Allegorical
Sheri Hauser
The more we grow into how God wants us to be, the better prepared we will be for the Kingdom of Heaven. This book parallels how the Church is being prepared for the end times and how we need to become prepared in our personal ministry. Welcome to the prophetic end times.
Prophetic Wave Series. Kindle E Book
Answering Jehovah's Witnesses with Questions
Philip Delre
What Did Jesus do when the false teachers tried to trap Him? He never argued doctrine. All the Master Evangelist had to do was ask the right question and it shut their mouths every time. Now you can do the same thing! If you have ever been frustrated by not knowing how to help the J.W. at your door, there is good news. Now you can help them see the error in their position as easy as 1-2-3! A few simple questions will stop their mouths every time. This book will teach you what to ask, so you can point them to the real Jesus-the way Christ Himself would do it!
The Fear of Man VS the Fear of God
Philip Delre
The fear of God and the fear of man. This book began as a sermon in front of a congregation of 3,000 people. More than 900 requests poured in for copies of the audio message! From pastors to prison inmates people are testifying how God is using this message to set them free from this subtle form of idolatry known as the fear of man.
The fear of man is what kept the Israelite’s from entering the Promised land. 1 Cor. 10 tells us, these things were written for our instruction and for our example. God did not want the church to make the same mistake and miss the blessing. Sadly, most of us are missing the blessing!
Answering Atheism with Questions
Philip Delre
Answering Atheism is a quick, easy-to-use resource includes dozens questions the student can ask that are designed to close the mouths and open the minds of honest atheists (if you can find one). Even better are dozens of the greatest quotes from some of the finest scientific minds in the world who insist evolution is a hoax and why! No student should go to high school or college without having read this quick reference guide! When you’re right about God and you’re right with God, you never have to be intimidated by the world!
Being Revolutionary Women: A Message from the Women of the "Ladies Gallery
Dr. Maria Pia Perez
"For Such a Time as This"
Examining the Proverbial woman in the Bible exemplified by the Women of the "Ladies Gallery," this message explores how God has uniquely positioned us to make a lasting and enduring difference as women in our culture and society. God has a unique call on our lives, and through the difficulties and challenges, He still uses us for His purposes, especially For Such a Time as This.
How to be Exceedingly Wise "Success Basics 101"
Dr. Maria Pia Perez
This Bible study delves into four key themes to living a successful life. These themes, The Art of Preparation, Living Among the Rocks/ Cliffs: Embracing Change and Uncertainty, Leading By Example, and Cultivating Your Unique Skills And Abilities, are not just concepts but practical steps toward achieving your goals. Steward of Life Series Book 2
Bulldog Faith
Growing faith that doesn't give up-tough like a bull dog.
Robert Moyer
I am sure that you heard the old saying (Take a firm stand on what you believe) before this I was thinking about faith and how those before us had strong faith to take a stand not only in the things of God but also what mattered in their own personal life. You will see how some who fell off the track got their lives back together, and got back on track. As an underachiever in my youth and early teens, and bored with school; I quit school at the age of 16 and joined the Marine Corps.
Bulldog Faith Book
Keys to Faith
Robert Moyer
Learn to have faith like a bulldog. This book gives you the keys to faith.
Bulldog Faith Book
Restoring the Tabernacle of David
Sharon Moyer
I have studied David’s Tabernacle from powerful prophetic teachers at Worship Symposiums in Pasadena, California for seven years. Therefore I had complete background in teaching on Tabernacle Moses vs Tabernacle of David. God appeared to Moses and gave him the blueprint for the Tabernacle in Exodus 24;15-18. Let us take a look at the Tabernacle of David and Moses. The Ark of the Covenant was the main furnishing of the Tabernacle.
His Radiant Glory Series
The Latter Rains of Glory
Sharon Moyer
Latter Rains of Glory is a composite of 12 writings by Sharon Moyer developed over 5 years encompassing subjects related to the outpouring of God’s glory in the end times. Chosen Ministers Of Fire, Weapons Of The Spiritual Warrior, Study of His Glory On Biblical Mountains, The Thunder That Brings the Latter Rains, Greater Outpouring, Experiencing His Glory, Christ In His Glory, Enlightened By His Glory, Manifestations of His Glory, New Creations Birthed From Latter Rains, Deliverance By His Glory And Power, Source Of The Latter Rains Of Glory
His Radiant Glory Series
Revelations of Revelation
Joy Simons
The first five words the apostle John wrote are, “A Revelation of Jesus Christ.” With this in mind, I ventured into this work. What I found surprised and inspired me. Around every corner was blessing and promise for God’s people, even in the midst of chaos and suffering.
We don’t have to be lost in the confusion of symbols about past, current, or future events. This book truly is a revelation of Jesus Christ and how He loves us, cares for us, and will lead us into victory right now, with every “mountain” we face.
Isaiah and Me
Joy Simons
Isaiah and Me is Isaiah's journey into intimacy with God; Joy's journey out of darkness, and your journey into light. Isaiah, like all of us, had his issues and problems. But his desire to know God brought God's revelations to him in surprising ways. His message is still deeply connected to the human condition and our journey to happiness. What he says to us and to the church is deeply healing and shines a new light on long-held beliefs.
Steadfast Love
Gwen Nolan
When I was deathly ill God spoke to me through the Holy Spirit about writing. I thought that meant I had a letter to answer which I did. Through prayer, God healed me and continued to talk to me about writing. So I asked Him and He told me He wanted me to write a book on His love. In writing this book I have learned how deep His love is for me. Through my life God has shown me how to be victorious and not a victim.
Unfailing Love
Gwen Nolan
God wants you to know that He loves you. Even though we sin God still loves us. This book will help you understand more about God’s love. We are lost without God’s love. Let Him show you His love
Shaking Hands with your Past
Bruce Relf
Have you ever felt like your past experiences were holding you back? Perhaps you’ve had questions about your life’s purpose. These are signs that you are ready to transform your life. In his debut book, Bruce Relf provides the blueprint for Shaking Hands with Your Past. This practice helped him transition from an ex-offender to the CEO of Fresh Start Community Services, a non-profit dedicated to serving formerly incarcerated men, women and their children. Going on this journey will help to improve the quality of your life, assist you in setting attainable goals, and unveil your true purpose. Shaking Hands with Your Past is a guide on how to understand what you went through and why it is the key to unlock your fullest Potential.
Lori Vober
Life rarely turns out exactly as you pictured it, and we all face challenges along the way.
God always has a plan. But He leaves it up to you whether you follow His plan or not. Life is about choices. I have chosen to depend on God's faithfulness through all our challenges. Everyone has doubts about their own abilities, but God has a plan for each of us. So believe in Him, and don't give up. Sometimes your attitude, drive, and enthusiasm can take you further than your talents or abilities. Attitude can make all the difference. Find your happiness in whom God says you are. Don't let someone else define your happiness.
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